This page is dedicated to the drawing I do of me and my friends for what ever reason I did it for! The pictures on here all have personal significance so please don't ask to adopt any of them! This is another of me, being insane. More clothes from Hot Topic! Yay! I'm insane! This is a favorite of me, in clothes from Hot Topic! Yay! This is Ian Ray! I absolutly love this picture and I absolutly love Ian Ray! IAN RAY!!! this is a quick thing I did to show somebody what I wanted in a request, but the request ended up differntly so I put these here This is a drawing I made up for my Halloween costume in 2003! I'm gonna be a pimp, but am having trouble finding the fabric! This I got bored and scribbled on a script for Dracula some years ago, but I still hold on to! This is a picture of Carman I drew on the Dracula script too! This is a picture I drew of Carman and 'her' pokemon a while back! This is a pic of four of the seven people that used to be in my band, shown left to right... Q (my ex), Axel (my bro), Me (me o.O), and Carm (my best friend whom I never talk to anymore... u.u) This is Martha (slutty friend of Carms, who did nothing!) and Carm, both band members My stupid brother, also my ex's best friend and my best friends boyfriend and me This is Atom and Carm making out, she all made me draw this! I don't even know why I put it up, well at least its a very crappy drawing, lol This is my smart and non annoying brother, Axel This is a drawing of Carm and Me when I was drawing my hair funny, lol I actually made Atom look halfway cute! I've had people tell me Ax is cute... but I don't even see it in chibi..., dat and he has blue eyes... oops, lol Chibe-Me Chibi-Carm my chibi-ex (Q) this is chibi Milo the chibi Ian Ray, Ian Rayy! Chibi Yui A gay pic of a pokemon battle that won't be when i need room its milo! yay i drew miloshie! yay! its ms.frufru, actually based off of Carm's pet panther, kitty an pencil drawing of Ax A pencil drawing of Q This is Q and This is Rian... he looks dead, and he is... o.o This is me, I'm asleep, so be quiet, lol