This is my random Fan-Art page with all of the different character's I've drawn from different shows, animes, mangas, comics, ect... Team Rocket / Pokemon
This is a picture of Jessie sad, I drew it out of boredom so it lacks a little, most of the effort was in coloring. This is a picture as Giovanni as a pimp! XD  I love this picture to death and if I make a new layout I'm going to seriously consider this one! Well every pimp needs a hooker so here is little Domino strubbing along, trying to get in his pants again! XD This is the overinflated head of the fuzziest member of Team Rocket! Meowth! This is Jessie being all kung-fu-ey, this is actually from the last time I had a scanner like three years ago This is a politoad that I drew back before when it was impossible to find pictures of politoad another politoad and the last politoad I drew like umpteen years ago gotta end a day off with a good picture!  Giovanni in the shower, note: it's very steamy and he's facing away so there isn't anything perverted you sicko's! (that stuff is in my personal files that I can't put on this site! XD) This is a picture I drew for a request for somebody but they didn't like it, so now it's here if anybody wants to adopt it. I love this pic and I spent waay to much time coloring it. It's Giovanni, the boss of Team Rocket in boxers and his dress shirt, (its blue cause yellow is not a bedroom friendly color... ^^) This is something I drew in class once then colored in Paint Shop Pro 8 This is what I see when I see Togepi on Pokemon! Scary little evil, bent with world domination, Togepi O.O Thi is a picture I drew of a Celebi that I wanted to use for something a long while back before I had a scanner and can't remember what it was now. It was back when Celebi was new and mysterious, before the movie This is a Chibi Butch I drew a while ago This is a Chibi Cassidy I drew, I think I screwed up her earring coloring though... T-T My Chibi Giovanni, I don't know what he's all pissed off for though... maybe its a Gio thing... o.O Chibi James! What more do I need to say? and a Chibi Jessie to go with the Chibi James, I couldn't leave him all alone w/ Butch and Cassidy could I? and to finish up our team, 'Meowth, Dat's Right!' This is Fairy Jessie, I actually like the way this came out mostly, but I absolutly love the shoes! Gothic Team Rocket, I just had to! This is the Jessie image I used for the reeeeally old PoP-Rocket Quizzes, but I don't use it anymore so its here. A simple pencil drawing of James, a more animeish one than most I do, though I'm trying to get more anime-ish. I really like the way this turned out. This is another I had used for the old PoP-Rocket quizzes that is out of work now... u.u This is a Mew I drew for something so long ago, it never got entered though, and its a little smugged now, but I still love the way it looks. I am very proud of this pic, I really love how it came out, It is Team Rocket on their wedding day, with Meowth as their ring bearer in a little tux, I think its so cute, and I just love how Jessie came out.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Mammoth Mogul is one of Knuckle's enemys. I drew this in pens and colored what little coloring there is in pen too RoboSally is from Sonics dream in issue #52. The hair and clothes were colored in pen the fur was done in Paint Shop Pro Dulcy the Dragon is a friend on Knuckles, This was drawn some time ago and colored in with pencils recently Sun Robotnik was colored in with highlighters but the computer didn't like that and it ended up looking crappy so I redid it with paint shcp giving it the foil look. This was a pic I drew a looong time ago and colored recently. Wooden Sonic was on the Sonic Checklist for a while back in think in the 20s and 30s This is Julie-Su the Enchida from Knuckles the Enchida a (used to be) branch of the Sonic the Hedgehog Comics This is Knuckles from Sonic the Hedgehog, I'm not estatic about how it looks, I've done much much better but I can't find them... This isn't one of the best Sonic's I've drawn so it'll probably be one of the first removed when I need some more space...
I don't know if you read newspaper comics, this is Jeremy the star from Zits, here its the top comic in the newspaper, and I have tons of Zits cut outs, after Garfield its my fav, but stupid Yahoo doesn't have it in their comics so I don't get to read it anymore... The Simpson's cat Snowball! I drew this in school last year during class and was estatic about how good it was and close it was to the real snowball, I drew it all off memory! ^-^